Best Intermediate Trumpets Reviews

Intermediate trumpets help budding players develop. Finding the best intermediate trumpet involves determining the user’s individual skill level.

Intermediate trumpets fill in the gap between student models and professional instruments. They are made to help the development of players that are beyond the beginner skill level but not experienced enough for professional level trumpets.

Some models may be closer in quality to the beginner range, and others may be more advanced. This is one of the reasons it is important to thoroughly research intermediate trumpets before purchase. Their are many high quality models available to suit the needs of all players at this skill level.


Some people suggest skipping the “intermediate” step completely and going right to professional instruments. If you can afford it, that’s a good way to go, if you can’t, look into used pro instruments and see if you can find a bargain.

If you decide you still want to go with an intermediate instruments, these are our suggestions for you:

Our Pick
Best Price
Conn 52BSP
Bach TR200
Yamaha YTR-4335 GS
Getzen 590-S Capri
Responsive Monel pistons, projects loudly and clearly.
Great tone, Stradivarius-style valve casing, Monel pistons.
Monel pistons, full tone.
Nickel-plated silver pistons, great sound. More affordable used.
Our Pick
Conn 52BSP
Buy in Europe
Responsive Monel pistons, projects loudly and clearly.
Bach TR200
Buy in Europe
Great tone, Stradivarius-style valve casing, Monel pistons.
Best Price
Yamaha YTR-4335 GS
Buy in Europe
Monel pistons, full tone.
Getzen 590-S Capri
Buy in Europe
Nickel-plated silver pistons, great sound. More affordable used.

Our Top 5 Best Intermediate Trumpets

Bach TR200

Bach TR200 review

The TR200* is a popular Bach intermediate trumpet that makes an excellent choice for players that are dedicated to taking their skills to the next level. It is appreciated for having great tone, strong projection and quick response. This instrument is a versatile trumpet that can be used in settings varying from concert halls to marching bands.

It has a heavier feel that enhances the instrument’s tone, but it can be a hindrance to players that are not experienced enough to handle a trumpet at this level. As an intermediate trumpet, it is ideal for players that need to advance but are still in the learning phases.

The TR200 features a Stradivarius-style valve casing that provides smooth action, bronze barrel-shaped valve springs, Monel pistons, two water keys, and nickel silver tuning receivers. It has a first-valve sliding thumb hook in addition to an adjustable third-valve sliding finger ring.

Looking for a teacher?

Want to get lessons at the comfort of your own home? Check out the course Learn to Play the Trumpet: Beginner to Pro Made the Easy Way* on Udemy! (See their full trumpet course line-up here*!)

Yamaha YTR-4335GS

Yamaha YTR-4335GS review

The Yamaha YTR-4335GS* is a sturdy intermediate trumpet that is durably built with numerous helpful features. It acts as an affordable option for players that need something closer to a professional sound.

Its smooth valves provide effortless playing while its bore size makes it free blowing, and this is essential for players that are still in the process of mastering the instrument. The YTR-4335GS* allows full control through its range with exceptional intonation.

The trumpet’s Monel pistons offer quick and consistent valve action while its bore is shaped perfectly to produce the right response, tone and volume. Its silver plating allows for a full tone that is still soft enough for subtle and delicate play, and its nearly 5-inch gold brass bell helps contribute to proper intonation.

The model features a first-valve slide thumb hook and main tuning slide brace, and it comes with a 5-year warranty.

Getzen 590-S Capri

Getzen 590-S Capri review

The Getzen 590-S Capri is one of the highest quality intermediate trumpets available, and it has a selection of impressive features. It makes a great trumpet for growing students that need an instrument closer to the professional level. It produces a bright sound that is consistent throughout its range, and its great sound makes it a good choice for a variety of performance applications.

The 590-S Capri features nickel plated silver pistons as well as hand-lapped inside slide tubing. The nickel plated pistons allow for fast playing and also keep the instrument in shape down the road. The inside slide tubing helps reduce leaking air.

Its Amado water keys allow the trumpet to be more free blowing than less advanced water keys. Its lead pipe is made of nickel silver that makes it resistant to corrosion. The trumpet also features a nickel silver mouthpipe, first slide saddle, third-valve slide adjusting ring and hard shell wood case.

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How are Intermediate Trumpets Different?

Intermediate trumpets
Courtesy of Will Nanlohy

Intermediate trumpets are in a unique collection of instruments separate from beginner and professional models. As their name suggests, trumpets in this class are for players between the two aforementioned skill levels. They are made for serious or developing players.

Intermediate trumpets are not up to the capabilities of professional models, and they do not require the skill of players at that level. They are beyond the capabilities of beginner trumpets, and players with minimal or new skill would not be well-matched for these types.

The differences between beginner and intermediate trumpets include better strength of build, better material composition, better functionality and greater cost for the latter type. Players whose beginner trumpets no longer fit their playing ability or no longer allow for development often move up to intermediate models.

While better in overall quality compared to student trumpets, intermediate trumpets do not have the exceptional quality (or the greater price tag) of professional instruments.

When to Switch to an Intermediate Trumpet?

Perhaps you or your child has been playing the trumpet for a couple of years, and you feel as if you have developed a good feel for how to play it. With this, you start feeling the urge that you need to make the transition up from the student to the intermediate trumpet. However, how do you know when is the best time to make the jump from a student trumpet up to an intermediate trumpet? Here are some different ideas to think about concerning whether or not you need to change your trumpet out.

When looking at the difference between a student trumpet and an intermediate trumpet, you will notice there actually is not that much of a difference between the two. An intermediate trumpet will give you a third valve ring, so you can tune the trumpet to an even more precise sound. In addition to this, the finishes of the intermediate trumpets are a little bit more lightweight, which helps with the vibration of the instrument.

Both of these features will help give your trumpet a deeper and truer sound compared to a student trumpet. This sound will be very noticeable to you as the player, but may not be that noticeable to those who listen to you play. The feel of the trumpet typically will not be that different, although it will be slightly lighter.

The main reason people tend to move from a student to an intermediate trumpet is because they don’t like the feel of the current trumpet they play. The players tend to get a little antsy, and therefore use the jump up to the intermediate level as a way to get a new trumpet which they think will feel better within their hands. However, there are a couple of other things which can be done in order to enhance the current trumpet which is being played.

First off, the mouth piece can be changed out, and this is a fraction of the price of a new trumpet. The mouthpiece could be considered the most important feature of a trumpet, as the wind your mouth is able to produce actually makes the trumpet work. By changing out the mouthpiece, you could give the trumpet a new and completely different sound than what it had, and make it easier to play.

Another aspect which can be changed is the actual valves of the trumpet. Although it harder to do, the resistance that the valves give you can change how your fingers operate the instrument, allowing you to have more of a fine tuned sound within each song that is played.

Another thing to consider is the type of music which will be played on the trumpet. If the same kind of music is going to be played, then there really isn’t a good reason to change trumpets. However, if your student is thinking about trying out different kinds of music, then perhaps changing the type of trumpet which is played will be necessary to increase the variety of music. Playing new types of music can challenge the player to play in a different way, and help expand their own repertoire of music.

Lastly, when talking with people who play the trumpet, there is a growing consensus that players should skip the intermediate level all together. Although there is some benefit for taking the steps up in trumpets as they were intended, the actual mechanisms with the intermediate trumpets are not that much better than the student trumpet.

If the student feels as if they have mastered the student trumpet and all it has to offer and you have changed out the mouthpiece and or valves and there is not much difference, then it is time to make a change. What kind of change that is made will be up to the student, as well as fully dependent upon the budget that you have for a new trumpet.

The best course of action when looking for a new trumpet is to take your student to a music shop, and allow them to try out a large variety of trumpets to see which one they like best. Don’t worry about the type of trumpet it is, or the style, or the price; just let them try out as many as they like, until they find one which is best suited for themselves. Once they find one that they like, then you can work out how to pay for it and ensure you have everything else you need.

The point of finding the right trumpet is to ensure your student will be happy with it over the course of the long-term. By taking the time to let them play a large variety of trumpets, it allows them to find the one that is best for their fingers, and for their style of play. You can always customize it even further to allow your student to have as finely tuned of a trumpet as they desire.

Overall, there is no specific timetable concerning when to shift anyone from a student trumpet up to an intermediate or any other type of trumpet. Some players keep the student trumpet for their entire life, whereas others want to change after a couple of years. It truly depends upon the student, and how the trumpet feels. If they are still in a physical growing phase, then you can surmise that a new trumpet will be needed as the child continues to grow. However, if the child is not growing anymore, than it just comes down to what kind of music do they want to play, and how much have they truly mastered the trumpet?

So, when is the right time to change trumpets? Once you have exhausted all the possibilities with your student trumpet, then it is time to change. And once you decide it is time to change, then the possibilities are endless on what you can choose next.

Decision Time

Making the right decision

Choosing the right trumpet involves taking multiple factors into consideration, and there are many brands and models from which you may choose. It is important for developing musicians to have the right tools to cultivate their skills.

The main purpose of the intermediate trumpet is to allow the player to expand past the limitations of the student level trumpet. There are various models of intermediate trumpets, and they may vary greatly simply due to the class in which they are held.

Some intermediate trumpets may stick more to allowing lower level players to easily master the instrument while others may be more complicated in order to prepare the player for those in the professional range.

Many newer trumpeters feel stifled once they used student models for so long and their skill outgrows their instrument. If a player is not yet prepared for the world of professional trumpets, these are the types to search for. Each player has different skills and expectations, so each trumpet should match the individual’s personal preferences.

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